Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bill O'Reilly interviews Sarah Palin on Immigration

The O'reilly FACTOR Show

                                   BILL OREILLY THE # 1 TV HOST
The show is about current events happening in United States. I liked his show because he asked his guests great questions, and I agree with most of his opinions. I also like his show because he has a great sense of humor.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Three thing I must do before I die!

                                       Taj Mahal India

I woul love to go to Agra India to the Taj  Mahal, because of it's unique arquitecture. Also it is one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
      I have heard many intersting and good thing about the building, the city, the culture and how nice  people are  and India.

                                                         Pope Benedict XVI

I would love to meet Pope Benedict XVI because he is one of the most famous people in the world. All catholic people around the world look  up to him as the primary religious leader for the church.

     I will ask him what is the most unique country he has visited. 

                                Learn to ride a motorcycle

I would love to learn how ride a motorcycle because i think is adventurous and exciting.

     I will ride my motorcycle down highway 1 along the California beaches to see the panomamic views.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi, was one of the most influential person in India. He was born in India Porbaner in 1869.
      What inspired me most about him were his principles on non violence, a man who wants the best for his country, also he  knew right from wrong, how he teached people to speak the true.
     On of my favorities qoutes is. " Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”
     I will asked him, what give him the power and strength to fight to free India form England?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lago Agrio!

Lago Agrio is located in the northeastern of Ecuador, is one of the most important cities in the  Amazonian forest.
The official population is 26,004 the corrency is dollars.
The Cuyabeno Reserve. The jungle is fantastic, there is toucans, kingfishes, pink dolphins, caiman, 8 meter anaconda sneaks, spiders, lots of monkeys, births and pirahna.
I recommend the jungle tours to any one, who will like to go and visit Ecuador.
Pink dolphing

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My favorite food!

Seafood is one of my favorite dish, especially shrimp. You can eat it raw, broiled, grilled or fried or  however you prefer to eat. It's healthy and the taste is unique.
I would recommend to anybody who wants to be healthy and fit.